Seeing all this, as you must, one demands naturally:
Can human beings change?
Can you and I change?
Can you and I bring about in ourselves a mutation so profound that, as human beings, our relationship is based, not on temporary, convenient, self-centered activity?
Because what is most important is relationship. Unless there is a radical revolution in that relationship between two human beings, talking about God or about the scriptures, or going back to the Bible, the Quran, the Vedas, and the rest of it, is sheer nonsense. It has no meaning whatsoever, unless we establish right relationship between human beings, how to bring a fundamental revolution in our relationship so that there will be no war, so that countries are not divided by nationalities, by frontiers, by class differences and so on. Unless we, you and I, establish such a relationship, not theoretically, not ideologically, not hypothetically, but actually, factually, there is bound to be a greater and greater decline and deterioration.
So a radical transformation of the human being is absolutely essential. Because most of us are still animals.If you have observed animals, you will know how closely related we are! You observe the dog, a pet you know! How jealous he is! How he loves to be praised, to be petted and so on, like human beings!
So there is a very close relationship between the animal and the human being. Unless that animal in us is completely transformed do what you will - have the most extravagant ideologies, commit yourself to any political, religious or economic group, you are not going to solve the problem at all...
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