
Monday, September 30, 2013

Grow Up Or Die

The irony of religion is that because of its power to divert man to destructive courses, the world could actually come to an end. The plain fact is, religion must die for mankind to live. The hour is getting very late to be able to indulge in having in key decisions made by religious people. By irrationalists, by those who would steer the ship of state not by a compass, but by the equivalent of reading the entrails of a chicken. George Bush prayed a lot about Iraq, but he didn't learn a lot about it. Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. It's nothing to brag about. And those who preach faith, and enable and elevate it are intellectual slaveholders, keeping mankind in a bondage to fantasy and nonsense that has spawned and justified so much lunacy and destruction. Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do. Most people would think it's wonderful when someone says, "I'm willing, Lord! I'll do whatever you want me to do!" Except that since there are no gods actually talking to us, that void is filled in by people with their own corruptions and limitations and agendas. And anyone who tells you they know, they just know what happens when you die, I promise you, you don't. How can I be so sure? Because I don't know, and you do not possess mental powers that I do not. The only appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion, but doubt. Doubt is humble, and that's what man needs to be, considering that human history is just a litany of getting shit dead wrong. This is why rational people, anti-religionists, must end their timidity and come out of the closet and assert themselves. And those who consider themselves only moderately religious really need to look in the mirror and realize that the solace and comfort that religion brings you actually comes at a terrible price. If you belonged to a political party or a social club that was tied to as much bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, violence, and sheer ignorance as religion is, you'd resign in protest. To do otherwise is to be an enabler, a mafia wife, for the true devils of extremism that draw their legitimacy from the billions of their fellow travelers. If the world does come to an end here, or wherever, or if it limps into the future, decimated by the effects of religion-inspired nuclear terrorism, let's remember what the real problem was that we learned how to precipitate mass death before we got past the neurological disorder of wishing for it. That's it. Grow up or die.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Komunizam, fasizam i nacizam su priblizno isti, kada je rijec o ubistvima, zlocinima i licemjerstvu tj. komunizam je i dalje broj 1 kada su u pitanju ubistva. Ljudi cesto poistovjecuju komunizam sa ateizmom, sto je potpuno pogresno. Komunizam, fasizam, nacizam i svi drugi totalitarni rezimi mozda ne praktikuju religiju itd. Medjutim, tu postoji jedan drugi fenomen, a to je da u takvim rezimima covjek postaje tkz. bog i onda je on nesto sveto, posebno i samo ispravno. Fenomen koji je poznat kao: kult vodje!

Kada je rijec o Hitleru, postoje razlicita misljenja da li je bio vjernik ili ne. Medjutim, cinjenica je da je on bio vjernik, on je vjerovao da je on taj koji je izabran od boga, on je vjerovao da je sve sto on radi ustvari zelja bozija i da ga je bog licno poslao da pobije sto je vise moguce ljudi.

Ateizam, rijec koju ljudi potpuno pogresno tumace, mnogi ljudi se sada izjasnjavaju kao "secular humanist" jer velika vecina identifikuje ateizam sa komunizmom, fasizmom itd. sto naravno nema nikakvog smisla. Kao sto je Sam Harris rekao u svojoj knjizi "Pismo upuceno hriscanima" "Ateizam nije filozofija, to nije cak ni pogled na svijet, jednostavno, to je prihvatanje cinjenicnog stanja. U stvari Ateista kao termin nije nikad trebao ni da postoji".

Cesto me pitaju: "Zasto mene krivis za stvari koje drugi vjernici rade, nisam uradio nista lose"?!

Da, krivim tebe i sve ostale vjernike zato sto slijepo vjerujete u stvari koje su napisane u neku zastarelu knjigu i u stvari koje vam popovi pricaju, pri tom ne shvatate koliko je sve to besmisleno i glupo! Niko od nas nije rodjen kao vjernik, religija nam je nametnuta od strane roditelja! Njihovi roditelji su je nametnuli njima i tako sve par stotina, hiljada godina unazad...

Jednostavno mi je ne-shvatljivo da ljudi uprkos svim informacija koje su im dostupne danas i dalje odbijaju da sagledaju cinjenice, i dalje odbijaju da vide istinu, i dalje odbijaju da vide koliko stete i razora religija izaziva sirom svijeta.

Tradicija, rijec koju obicno koriste ljudi koji o religiji znaju, NISTA.
Da, lijepo je da postujemo nase roditelje i porodicu, ali ako ikada shvatis da nesto nije u redu i da nema smisla, ne bi trebalo da nastavis da slijepo radis to sto ti tradicija kaze (namece). Pocnite da razmisljate svojom glavom, pitajte kada vam nesto nije jasno, ako ikada dodjete do tacke kada mislite da sve znate, to znaci da ste u stvari mrtvi, mrtvi u intelektualnom smislu, sto se u sustini ne razlikuje mnogo od smrti kao smrti… Ljudi bez maste, ljudi koji nemaju vise nijedno pitanje da postave su ustvari NISTA (nemam pravu rijec za njih, ali su uglavnom, NISTA)

Kao sto je dobro poznato, hriscanstvo ima dosta primjesa drugih religija, vjerovanja koja datiraju stotinama, hiljadama godina prije hriscanstva, ustvari cinjenica je da hriscanstvo nije nista vise od remiksovanog paganizama. Da li neko stvarno misli da prica o postojanju ima ikakvog smisla? Da li neko misli da je biblija koja sadrzi na hiljade kontradiknosti, biblija koja je puna nasilja, ubistava, silovanja, pjancenja stvarno rijec bozija?

 Ako to mislite, onda mi vas je zaista zao. AMEN ;)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Only Sheep Need Shepherd

Communism, fascism and nazism are roughly the same, when it comes to murders, crimes and hypocrisy ie. communism is still no.1 on leader board when it comes to murder. People often equated communism with atheism, which is completely wrong. communism, fascism, nazism and all other totalitarian regimes may not practice religion, etc.. but there is another phenomenon happens and that is: they put human being in place of so called god and then he is something sacred, special and only right. that phenomenom is commonly known as: cult of the leader!

When it comes to Hitler, there are different opinion whether he was а believer or not. However the fact is, he was a believer, he believed that he was the one who was chosen by god, he believed everything that he does in fact is desire of god.

Atheism, as the word was completely misinterpreted, many people are now declared themselves as "secular humanist" because for the vast majority of people identify atheism with, communism, fascism, etc. which is completly wrong, and as Sam Harris said in his book "Letter To a Christian Nation" "Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply an admission of the obvious. In fact, 'atheist' is a term that should not ever exist".

Way to often I'm asked: "Why do you blame me, for the things I didn't done"
Yes, I blame you and all other believers for blindly believing what some out-dated book and religious leaders told them! None of us is born as believer, religion was forced upon us by our parents! Their parents forced it upon them, and all the way back like that a couple of thousand years ...

It is simply not conceivable that people, despite all the information available to them today still refuse to look at the facts, still refusing to see the truth, still refusing to see how much harm realigion causing around the world.

Tradition, word commonly used by the people which know nothing about religion.
Yes, it is nice to respect our parents and family, but if you ever realize that something is not right and that does not make sense, you should not continue to follow it blindly! Start asking question, question everything, because once you stop asking question, once you reach a point where you think that you know everything, that means that you are dead, you are just walking death. Human beings without imagination, without any question left to be asked is nothing but, dead weight.

As is well know, christianity has a lot of impurities of other religions, and beliefs, dating back hundreds and thousands of years ago, before christianity. The matter of fact is that, christianity is nothing more that remixed paganism. Does anyone think that the whole story about the existence have any sense? Does anyone think that bible with its thousands of contradiction, violence, murders, rapes is the word of god?

If you do, then I'm sorry indeed.

Hide & Seek

Jesus, what the fuck dude?!

It started like this.

There was a bunch of drunken guys who were drinking like hell on daily basis, and one night they were so fucked up that they didn't know what to do anymore, so they decided to play one of the easiest game in the entire universe, game called hide and seek.
Guy called Jesus was the first one who needed to seek for the rest of the other drunken assholes, well known today as "apostoles" + there was his dad called God (back in old days that use to be ordinary name such as now those days are Idiot, Retard, Psychopat and so on).
So they start playing, Jesus was facing the floor (he was so fucking drunk that he wasn't able to stand) and he started counting and counting untill he fallen asleep. The rest of his retarded, (back in old days retarded use to be word which describe a people who has a mental problems) drunken friends hide themseleves, and all of them fell asleep. Unfortunetly Jesus father God was the eldest and the most drunk, while he was trying to find a place to hide he didn't saw that he reached an end of the road and he fell over the cliff in some fucking hole which was around 378m deep! Guess what happened to him?! He was dead even before he reached the end!
Fuck, I feel sorry for him, but what to do it's his own mistake, you shouldn't drink and play hide and seek (that used to be policy back in the old days, same as today, don't drink and drive).
So, the day after the party when everyone finally woke up and when they started asking themselves, WHAT THE FUCK happened last night, they found out that God was missing, FUCK!
Jesus started to shout, God, God, God where the fuck are you, God, God...
They search everywhere, but nothing, they can't find God...
Jesus was so fucked up that he grabbed a bottle of wine and he started dinking again, his retarded friends followed him as well. When the night fall, and when they were drunk as fuck, once again, some of his friend had a brilliant idea!
He said: "Jesus I know that you feel guilty because your father had most probably died, (sure he died, you try to jump in 378m hole...) but I have a brilliant idea! We should write a book in which he, your father (God) will be the hero, he will be the one who  created everything and the whole God damn world will praise him"
Jesus half asleep, half awake said: "Lets do it" then he raised a bottle, and said: "Lets drink in the name of the God", ofcourse everybody cheered...
After that night they just continued to do the best thing they knew, drinking like hell, and the book that they have wrote has been published by some straight, sober and clever dude who was the first one to find out that nonsense, stupidity and lack of evidence to prove the truth has actually a power to be true by itself, if you just know how to use it! To be honest I admire that guy, he has done a great job, he succeed, but at the same time for me, that's just one more proof that evolution actually is the ultimate truth. 2000 years is a short period of time, and majority of mankind is still on MONKEY level and it will take at least 2 000 000 years more, (if we don't destroy ourselves in meantime) before all of us will finally realize how stupid we are, and how stupid things what we are fighting for, are!